Spring Vege Bag Subscription - Registration Closes 19th September. See details HERE.

Blog Posts by Goldbush

Garden Updates, Info and Recipes


Countdown to SBT

Sustainable Backyards Is This Week!

It has been an intense month getting all the spring planting done (4 or 5 weeks earlier than last year!) whilst also preparing our property for the Taranaki Sustainable Backyards Trail which starts October 29th. Recently I managed to score myself a Wwoofer (willing workers on organic farms) for 10 days. This helped so much having a focussed, hard-working extra person. I also held a working bee of friends and family and got a large amount of mulch spread, so I’m feeling much calmer and confident about the whole, opening our place up to visitors situation.

My whiteboard of tasks is shifting in waves, at a great rate of knots, so lots is getting done but I do keep finding more things! I have to say, Goldbush continues to get tidier and cleaner looking as more things are growing, and this means it’s easier to maintain and move forward with our projects. We are growing more and more vegetables, without actually expanding the space, just becoming more efficient with "flipping a bed" (getting the harvested crop residue out, the bed prepped and a new crop in) has helped so much, there's very little empty space now.

Lockdown has again caused people to think about where their food comes from. Knowing your farmer and knowing where and how the food you feed your family with is grown, is a massive focus for many families. This is my passion! Providing fresh food to local families. This opportunity to showcase what we do and be able to take the time to talk about why we do it and what you can do at home is super exciting for me! I really hope you can make it, not just to our place but as many Backyards as you can visit! Check out the link above for all the info.

If you're interested in finding out more from Goldbush, what we have in the vege bags and what we're doing in the garden Sign Up for the newsletter and I will send you a weekly update (no spam I promise).


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